Ajinomoto Vietnam's Environment Activities
Developing business and production in alignment with environmental sustainability is the principle of Ajinomoto Group globally. With this mindset, Ajinomoto Vietnam Company always strives for policies and activities that contribute to environmental protection through production and business activities of the Company.
After more than 30 years of establishment and development, Ajinomoto Vietnam is currently pursuing an indispensable business principle, which is Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value - ASV. In particular, sustainable development activities and contributing to the protection of the green environment are always given top priority. Besides, we are constantly striving towards the harmony between production activities with the rational use of natural resources and, thereby, sustainable protection of the natural environment.
The policies of sustainable environmental development that Ajinomoto is applying include:
Low carbon emissions at a level that the Earth can absorb, reducing emissions by reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced over the entire lifecycle of products.
Assist in ensuring food security, conserving the natural environment including ecosystems and biodiversity, and conserving water resources for generations to come.
Promote the maximum utilization of resources, by rationally practicing 3Rs (Reduce, Recycle & Reuse) for waste generated over the entire life cycle of the Company's products.
Comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Strive for the prevention of environmental problems as well as promotion of environmental improvement according to the Environmental Management System.
The three main environmental goals that Ajinomoto Vietnam is pursuing include (1) Zero-emission enterprise, (2) Efficient energy use and (3) Promoting production and business based on biological cycles; according to these, many practical activities have been implemented as follows:
I/ Zero-emission enterprise
1. Emissions
Since 2014, Ajinomoto Vietnam has put into operation a biomass boiler to provide steam for production, replacing oil and gas fuels. The boiler system uses 100% agricultural by-products, which is rice husk firewood, which helps Ajinomoto Vietnam save costs and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 50%, contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the environment.
Moreover, the amount of rice husk ash from the operation of the boiler system can still be utilized, that is to say, they are collected and supplied to farmers to be used as agricultural organic fertilizers, helping to improve the degraded soil and provide many nutrients for better harvest.
By 2030, Ajinomoto Group's goal is to use 50% renewable energy, in which biomass energy is an integral part should the goal be achieved.
The boiler system uses 100% agricultural by-products, which is rice husk firewood
2. Wastewater
Ajinomoto Vietnam is proud to own a wastewater treatment system applying Japanese biological nitrogen treatment technology with a total value of more than 100 billion VND. With a treatment capacity of 3,400 m3 of wastewater per day, the system ensures that the quality of treated water meets Grade A standards according to Vietnamese standards and even higher standards from the Group.
A wastewater treatment system with a total investment value of more than 100 billion VND
3. Solid waste
Ajinomoto Vietnam pursues a 3R zero emission policy (reduce, recycle and reuse) for solid waste in order to efficiently use resources and reduce the burden of environmental pollution.
The company also installed a system of waste sorting containers: plastic waste; paper waste; metal and other waste to facilitate a faster and easier process of collection and treatment.
All solid waste and hazardous waste generated are collected and transferred to specialized collection and treatment units.
Garbage sorting container at Ajinomoto Bien Hoa factory
II/ Efficient use of energy
With the desire to pioneer in efficient use of energy and natural resources as an exemplary citizen of society, Ajinomoto Vietnam advocates energy saving and seeks alternative energy sources with increasingly used green energy sources, such as solar and wind energy.
The company has signed a contract to supply and install a solar power system and biomass-fuelled steam cogeneration system to supply electricity and steam at the Factories. It is expected that by 2030, the Company will achieve a renewable energy ratio of 50%, which will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all operations and contribute to realizing the shared goal of Ajinomoto Group and its member companies worldwide.
The investment in building a system of cooling towers and separate water reservoirs to make use of a water-circulating mechanism for cooling down the machinery system has reduced river water consumption for production by up to 83.5%.
Solar power system and biomass-fuelled steam cogeneration system to supply electricity and steam at Ajinomoto Vietnam Factory
III/ Effectively application Bio-Cycle model
In order to contribute to environmental protection in agricultural production and towards sustainable development, Ajinomoto Vietnam applies a closed biological cycle in the production of AJI-NO-MOTO® Umami seasoning.
We use raw materials of agricultural origin, namely tapioca starch and sugar cane molasses to produce mono-sodium glutamate.
During the production process, Ajinomoto researches and develops co-products such as Liquid Bio-Fertilizer, Solid Bio-Organic Fertilizer, Animal Feed Materials... to provide nutrients to the soil, improve crop productivity and quality, thereby enhance food source availability and ensuring a sustainable source of raw materials for the continuity of the production of the company itself.
Activities towards the standard green factory model
Ajinomoto Vietnam has successfully applied the ISO 14001 on Environmental Management System and ISO 50001: 2011 which is an international standard on energy management system. We pay great attention to creating a green space in the factory premises for a fresh and relaxing working environment for employees.
In addition, environmental cleaning programs with the participation of Company employees and neighboring residents are also held regularly to raise public awareness of environmental issues and call for community strength to reduce waste released into the environment.
With the goal of minimizing the impact on the environment, Ajinomoto has been and will continue to make more efforts with policies and activities that contribute to environmental protection in production and business, for the sustainable development of the business and for our green living environment!
The path leading to the canteen area at Ajinomoto Bien Hoa factory